To Paint or Not to Paint

To paint or not to paint. That is the question.
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of an outrageous color scheme
Or to take sprayer cans against a sea of silver
And by o’ercoating, change them: to dye, to sweep
once more; and by a sweep, to say we end
The eye-strain, and the thousand shocks that fashion sense
is heir to. Tis a conversion devoutly to be wished. To dye, to sweep,
To sweep, perchance to sheen; Aye, there’s the rub,
For in that golden coat, what sheens may come,
When we have painted o’er this metal foil,
Must give us pause.

         — Hamlet, William Shakespeare (sort of)

Doggerel in 5 minutes or less. Apparently Doug and I have issues. Other people might have stopped at “to paint or not to paint”.


The point is that I bought this:

I went to an estate sale last weekend and was so taken with the little welcoming housewarming pineapples that I didn’t notice until I had paid and gotten it outside into the sunlight that this bar cart isn’t actually all gold. It’s partly gold. And partly silver. Ish.

Unfortunately, I am afraid that this takes it out of the realm of cool and trad and swanky and into the realm of outdated and sad and cranky.

I’m still rhyming. Sorry. Give me a minute.

So actually, what I want is your opinion. I have two options here. I can list this piece on Etsy as is. The price would be $250. Or I can spray paint it all gold and pretty. And then the price would be $300 to compensate for time and materials.

The advantage to painting, as I see it, is that then it’s a cool gold bar cart instead of a semi-cool gold and silver bar cart. The disadvantage to painting is that despite all the prep work and primer and effort I put into it, spray paint on metal tends to chip even if you’re careful.

So what do you think? To paint or not to paint? That is the question. Answer below, if you would be so kind.

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This is a post from Pies and Puggles. Republishing this article in full or in part is a violation of copyright law. And it isn’t nice. © 2010-2013, all rights reserved.

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